Our names are Theresa and Laurelee. We live on the west coast of Canada on Vancouver Island. We share 5 acres with 2 cows, 12 goats, 20+ chickens and ducks. Our 3 dogs and 2 cats share our home.
Our farm brings us great joy and has contributed to our healthy enthusiasm. We grow organically and sometimes boast eating zero mile diet.
Our mission is to share this little piece of heaven by hosting projects that allow wellness specialists to teach their skills. We have already begun simply by holding space for those interested in spending time with friendly farm animals. So far, brushing a cow or goat or just spending time in their space has had profound affects.
Right now our new direction will afford us an opportunity to offer space for relaxation, adventure and wellness.
Welcome to Friendly Foods Farm
Sincerely Theresa and Laurelee


Someone asked, before I turned 50, what do you see yourself being successful at for the next half of your life? Great question! Farming I answered. Next thing you know, we were farm shopping. A farm to foster growth, friendships, and renewed possibilities.
August 12, 2012 our new chapter began. 5 Acres of flat land just asking to be cultivated. Fully fenced with a barn, chicken coop and more fruit than we knew what to do with. Purchased by two women just under 50 yrs.
Our intention, at first, was to work toward a self-sustaining lifestyle. Producing most of what we eat, including making butter, sugar, and seed saving. We grow it, sell it and process it all for use throughout winter.
Currently our dreams take us in the direction of hobby farming instead. Growing a business including a B&B type accommodation, zero-mile diet for those staying, and offering wellness services, like yoga in the garden. Maintaining veggie sales, live plant sales and egg sales will be more of a hobby now while our focus changes direction.
It is our intention to keep this blog updated for your enjoyment. Actively keeping you informed and entertained on current farmily news and growing’s on.